
Memes also tagged "Pepsi":


Water Memes Water, Pepsi, SDED, Let, Coca-Cola text:


History Memes History, Pepsi, USSR, OC, Kendall Jenner, Hawaii text: When Pepsi became the 6th largest military power after ade deal 4 Not bad kid


Wholesome Memes Wholesome memes, Batman, Thanks, Superman, Practice, Pepsi text: maclé ith mematic Thinking everyone on Reddit is better then you at drawing Knowing they probably had to practice a ton to get where they are and if you practice you can become good like them


Water Memes Water, Pepsi, No, Coke, Lemon, Water text: most people at restaurants: sorry we only have P *psi products nooooooooooo I need my Coke!!! r/HydroHomies at restaurants: Is lemon in your water okay? Yes


History Memes History, Pepsi, Gorbachev, Cola Wars text: Pepsi: Ok, We

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